My baby girl, who was 2 weeks old at the time, was really struggling with getting her wind up. I was winding her for easily an hour and a half most days and still had nothing. It was getting to the point where she was crying at the same time every night, which would of turned into colic had I not of done something, as Infacol was not working for her either.
I started searching online to see if anyone had any advice on techniques, or anything that could possibly help. I saw a couple of people mention “Cranial Massage” (Osteopaths call it “Cranial Osteopathy”) which I had never even heard of, so I searched that online to see what it was.
I rung a few places and they did not work on babies. The one I found that did was on holiday, but the receptionist recommended Elise at the Brook Natural Health Centre, so I gave them a call and booked to see her.
Although it does not look like they do a lot, as it is to do with pressure points and gentle release, on my baby’s first bottle after this first session with Elise, she brought her wind up. (I was not sure whether this was a coincidence or that something had definitely worked, but I was not expecting a result that quick.) However, for the rest of that week, I was not spending any more than 20 minutes winding and getting up burps which I was extremely surprised by.
We continued with another session and on that session Elise told us that she did not feel we would need any more treatment at that time, unless our little girl starts not bringing anything up again. I thought this was nice as they didn’t just keep telling us to book another session to get more money out of us. And since then, 98% of the time I just have to hold the baby up completely straight without even patting her back, and she brings her wind up herself. If I do have to pat her back, then I literally just tap it with my fingers. It was the best money I have spent and I would use Elise again if I had another baby that struggled with wind.
I would, and have, recommended Elise to anyone, she is very friendly and makes you feel welcome.